Briefings and submissions
We regularly respond to policy consultations and requests for evidence from leading organisations, including government agencies and international human rights bodies. Our submissions are a testament to our expertise and commitment to creating meaningful change. They are informed by the experiences of the people with lived experience of detention and visiting and are grounded in the latest research and best practices.
We are dedicated to ending immigration detention through evidence-based policy and advocacy. That's why we regularly respond to policy consultations and requests for evidence from leading organisations, including government agencies and international human rights bodies.
Our submissions are a testament to our expertise and commitment to creating meaningful change. They are informed by the experiences of the people with lived experience of detention and visiting and are grounded in the latest research and best practices. With AVID, you'll stay informed and empowered with the insights and recommendations driving the conversation forward.
Take a look at our submissions below and see for yourself the impact we're making.
Consultation Responses:
- Written submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights on the inquiry into the Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK (December 2022)
- Response to the second 'Shaw Review': review into the Home Office response into the "Review of Welfare in Detention of Vulnerable Persons" (November 2017)
- Response to Ministry of Justice consultation on Expedited Asylum Appeals Process for Detainees (November 2016)
- Response to Home Office consultation on Draft Short Term Holding Facility Rules (April 2016) - Contact us for a copy
- Submission to the UN Committee for the Prevention of Torture in advance of its visit to the United Kingdom (February 2016)
- Submission to the Home Office Consultation 'Reforming Support for Failed Asylum Seekers and Other Illegal Migrants' (September 2015)
- Response to the 'Shaw Review' (Review into the welfare in detention of vulnerable people) (May 2015)
- Response to the 'Shaw Review' by the Vulnerable People's Working Group of the Detention Forum (cowritten by AVID and GDWG) (May 2015)
- Response to publication of Parliamentary Inquiry into Immigration Detention (APPG on Refugees and APPG on Migration) (March 2015)
- Written evidence to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Immigration Detention (APPG on Refugees and APPG on Migration) (September 2014)
- Response to Ministry of Justice consultation 'Transforming Legal Aid: delivering a more credible and efficient system' (June 2013)
- Submission to the Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Asylum (April 2013)
- Submission to the UN Committee for the Prevention of Torture in advance of its visit to the United Kingdom (September 2012)
- Response to HMIP consultation on 'Expectations' (April 2012)
- Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants 'The needs and protection concerns of vulnerable groups' (January 2012)
- AVID and BID joint submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review (November 2011)
- AVID briefing for Westminster Hall Debate on Vulnerable People in Detention (March 2017)
- Vulnerable People in Detention Briefing for the Parliamentary Debate on Immigration Detention (September 2015)
- The Detention of Vulnerable People: Human Rights Breaches in the UK Briefing jointly by AVID and GDWG for the Detention Forum (December 2012)
- Parliamentary Briefing: Vulnerable Groups in Detention: Mental Health (June 2011)
- Parliamentary Briefing: Vulnerable Groups in Detention: Mental Health (March 2011) Full briefing
We also write frequent consultation responses to the Home Office on their Detention Service Orders(DSOs) - please get in touch with us if you would like to receive our response to a particular DSO.