Useful Reading and Key Publications on Detention
Key publications on Immigration Detention (since 2011)
AVID Training
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General Detention
- The Detention Forum (2018) Why a 28 day time limit on immigration detention? Working paper
- British Red Cross (2018) Never Truly Free: The humanitarian impact of the UK immigration detention system
- Amnesty International (2017) A Matter of Routine (Report) and the Executive Summary
- Migration Observatory (2016) Immigration Detention Briefing
- International Detention Coalition (2015) Does Detention Deter?
- House of Commons Library Briefing Paper (2015): Immigration Detention: An Overview
- Detention Action (2014) The State of Detention: Immigration Detention in the UK in 2014
- Forced Migration Review (2013) Special Edition: Detention, Alternatives to Detention and Deportation
- Migration Observatory (2011) Immigration Detention: Policy Challenges
- International Detention Coalition(2022) Using Alternatives to Detention (ATD) as a Systems Change Strategy
- Women For Refugee Women (2017) The Way Ahead: An asylum system without detention
- Detention Action (2016) Without Detention: Opportunities for Alternatives
- International Detention Coalition (2015) There are Alternatives: A Handbook for Preventing Unnecessary Immigration Detention
Children in Detention
- The Children's Commissioner (2017) Children’s Voices: A review of evidence on the subjective wellbeing of children in detention in England
- Gatwick Detainee Welfare Group (GDWG) (2017) Don't dump me in a foreign land : Immigration detention and young arrivers
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) (2013) Fractured Childhoods: the separation of families by immigration detention
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2011) Last Resort or First Resort? Immigration Detention of children in the UK
- Medical Justice (2014) Biased and Unjust: The Immigration Detention Complaints Process
Deaths in Detention
- Institute of Race Relations (2015) Dying for Justice
- Medical Justice (2016) Death in Immigration Detention 2010 - 2015
Detained Fast Track
- Detention Action (2011) Fast Track to Despair: the unnecessary detention of asylum seekers
Healthcare and issues of vulnerability
- Medical Justice (2019) Failure to Protect : from the harm of immigration detention
- British Medical Association (2017) Locked Up, Locked Out: Health and Human Rights in Immigration Detention
- Gatwick Detainee Welfare Group (2012) A prison in the mind: the mental health implications of detention in Brook House IRC
- Medical Justice (2012) The Second Torture: the immigration detention of torture survivors
- AVID & BID (2012) Positive Duty of Care? The Mental Health Crisis in Immigration Detention
- Medical Justice (2011) Detained and Denied: the clinical care of immigration detainees living with HIV
Immigration detention in prisons
- Lucy Slade (2015) Foreign National Prisoners: best practice in prison and resettlement
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2014) Denial of Justice: the hidden use of UK prisons for immigration detention
- Global Detention Project (2016) Can Inspection bring about meaningful change in detention?
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2023): Hurdle After Hurdle: The Struggle for Advice and Representation through Exceptional Case Funding
- Institute for Voluntary Action Research (2017): Detained Fast Track Litigation Case Study: Detention Action, Using the law for social change
- Bar Council (2017): Injustice in Immigration Detention, Perspectives from legal professionals
- Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group (2015): Cutting Justice: the impacts of the legal aid cuts for people detained in Brook House and Tinsley House IRCs
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2014) Surveys of levels of legal representation for immigration detainees across the UK detention estate (Surveys 1-8)
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2014): No place to go: delays in the Home Office provision of S4(1) (c) bail accommodation
- Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law (2013) Immigration Detention and the Rule of Law: Safeguarding Principles
- Bail Observation Project (2013): Still a travesty: Justice in Immigration Bail Hearings (Second Report)
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2012): The liberty deficit: long-term detention & bail decision-making. A study of immigration bail hearings in the First Tier Tribunal
- Bail Observation Project (2011): Immigration Bail Hearings: A travesty of Justice? Observations from the public gallery
- Rainbow Migration: Parliamentary Briefing: Ending the immigration detention of LGBTQI+ people - Rainbow Migration
- UKLGIG and Stonewall (2016) No Safe Refuge: Experiences of LGBT asylum seekers in detention
- European Network on Statelessness (2016) Protecting Stateless Persons from Arbitrary Detention in the UK
- Women for Refugee Women (2019) "From one hell to another : the detention of Chinese women who have been trafficked to the UK"
- After Exploitation project (2019) "Supported or deported? Understanding deportation and detention data on human trafficking and slavery" (Briefing)
- JRS UK (2019) "Survivors of Trafficking in Immigration Detention" (Briefing)
- Detention Action (2017) Trafficked Into Detention: How victims of trafficking are missed in detention (Briefing)
Use of Segregation
- Medical Justice (2015): A Secret Punishment: The misuse of segregation in immigration detention
Vulnerability and Adults at Risk
- Medical Justice (2022): Detained and discarded: Vulnerable people released from immigration detention in medically unsafe way
- Bail for Immigration Detainees (2018): Adults at Risk: the ongoing struggle for vulnerable adults in detention
- Medical Justice (2018): Putting Adults at Risk: A Guide to Understanding the Home Office's "Adult's at Risk" Policy and its History
- AVID and GDWG (Detention Forum) (2015): Rethinking Vulnerability: A Crisis of Harm in Immigration Detention
Women in Detention
- Justice First, written by Dr Lucy Williams (2023): Briefing Paper Women in Immigration Detention
- Women for Refugee Women (2017): We are still here: The continued detention of women seeking asylum in Yarl's Wood
- Women for Refugee Women (2015): I am Human: Refugee Women’s Experiences of Detention in the UK
- Women for Refugee Women (2014): Detained: Women Asylum Seekers locked up in the UK
- Medical Justice (2013) Expecting Change: the case for ending the detention of pregnant women